Do you have LASIK and experience dry eye? You are not alone. Dry eye is a common side effect of LASIK surgery, and it can be very frustrating. In this blog post, we will go over 3 tips to help manage the symptoms of your LASIK-related dry eye.
3 tips to help manage the symptoms of your LASIK-related dry eye
-Use a humidifier in your bedroom. This will help keep the air moist and reduce dryness caused by breathing through mouth during sleep (which dries out nasal passages). You can also use it while you are awake to relieve symptoms of LASIK eye surgery related discomfort, such as red eyes or scratchy feeling on skin around eyelids that is common with those who have undergone laser vision correction procedures like PRK Surgery for their nearsighted condition . -Take over counter medications when needed: Eye drops may not be enough if there’s inflammation from an infection due post operative trauma following Lasik procedure; antihistamines might provide relief too but consult physician before using them.- Use artificial tears throughout day after each time wearing contact lenses
Tip # _____: try using artificial tears or other eye drops to lubricate your eyes. These can be found at the pharmacy, and they are very inexpensive! You will want a preservative-free formula that is specifically designed for dryness caused by LASIK surgery; these usually have an H on them (e/g.,